SCOTUSblog's "Petitions to Watch"
For the conference of October 12, 2007

Tom Goldstein has deemed the following petitions for certiorari on the Supreme Court's 'paid' docket to have a reasonable chance of being granted.
The highlighted number in the docket column links to the petition page on the Court's web site, which includes the lawyers involved in the case. The link in the issue column provides a PDF of the opinion below. The links in the filings column provide PDFs of the petitions, briefs in opposition, replies and amicus filings.

Case Name Issue Filings
Ness v. United States

Whether the "conceal or disguise" element of the principal federal money laundering statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1956, requires proof of an attempt to make illegitimate funds appear legitimate. (CA2)
Petition, BIO, reply, NACDL