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Court denied RFK Jr.’s request for spot on New York ballot

at 3:39 p.m.

The justices on Friday turned down the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign’s request to reinstate him on New York’s 2024 presidential ballot after a state court had ordered him removed from the ballot because he had used a “sham address” on his nominating petition. Kennedy dismissed the address requirement as a technicality and said his supporters should still be able to vote for him even though he has suspended his campaign.

Then-candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaking at a campaign event

Then-candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a campaign event earlier this year. In August, Kennedy suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. (Bryan Regan via Shutterstock)


Supreme Court rejects Green Party bid to appear on 2024 Nevada ballot

at 11:01 a.m.

The court refused to intervene in the Green Party’s bid for a place on Nevada’s 2024 presidential ballot. The party had asked the justices to vacate a ruling by the Nevada Supreme Court which concluded that the party was barred from the ballot when it failed to properly file a required form. With Friday’s ruling, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will not appear on the ballot in Nevada.


Supreme Court allows Marcellus Williams to be executed

at 11:29 p.m.

A majority of the court on Tuesday turned down Marcellus Williams’ last appeals, allowing his execution to go forward in Missouri. He was killed by lethal injection shortly after the court issued its unsigned order. None of the forensic evidence found at the scene of the 1998 murder of Felicia Gayle tied Williams to the crime and the prosecutor later testified that he had excluded at least one potential juror based on race. Williams, who was Black, was convicted by 11 white jurors and just one Black juror.


Alito reports gift of $900 concert tickets in annual financial disclosure

at 5:17 p.m.

Justice Samuel Alito filed his annual financial disclosure on Sept. 6, after taking advantage of a 90-day extension. He had no reported reimbursements for travel-related expenses on his 2023 form, but he did report accepting a gift of concert tickets worth $900 from Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, a German princess and Catholic activist.

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