SCOTUSblog's list of petitions with a "reasonable" chance of being granted
 Conference of 4/27

Click the highlighted docket number to download the cert. petition - other documents linked to as available.

Counsel of Record
Certiorari To
Summary of QP
Texas v. Meyers
R. Ted Cruz
SG of Texas
Whether a State still possesses immunity from suit when it removes claims for which the State's sovereign immunity has not been waived by the State or abrogated by Congress. (Also available: Meyers BIO, US BIO, Reply)

Lopez-Cancinas v. Gonzales
Lynn Marcus
Univ. of Ariz.
Whether the REAL ID Act, which restored jurisdiction over "questions of law" in immigration cases notwithstanding specific jurisdictional bars, confers on the courts of appeals jurisdiction to review the proper interpretation of regulations and the application of law to undisputed facts where review of the underlying issue or form of relief is otherwise barred. (Docs coming soon)

Butler v. Fletcher
D. Bruce LaPierre
Wash. U. St. Loius
Whether deliberate indifference is the degree of culpability that must be shown to establish that pretrial detention conditions amount to punishment in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Niagara Mohawk Power v. FERC
New York v. FERC
Elias Farrah
Jonathan Feinberg

Whether the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has jurisdiction to prescribe terms and conditions for retail sales and local distribution service. (Docs coming soon)

Newland v. Boyd      
Glenn Pruden
CA AG's office
Whether a state court reasonably applies Batson v. Kentucky by declining to undertake comparative analysis of challenged and nonchallenged jurors for the first time on appeal. (Also available: BIO, Reply)
Buffalo Teachers Federation v. Tobe
Andrew Roth
Bredhoff & Kaiser
Whether the standard of judicial review that applies in determining the reasonableness and necessity of state legislative action impairing a state political subdivision's contractual financial obligations is the "careful scrutiny" standard "deference to [the] legislat[ure]" standard. (Also available: BIO, Reply)

Hamdan v. Gates/
Khadr v. Bush
Neal Katyal
Georgetown Law
Even if the MCA validly withdraws habeas jurisdiction over petitions filed by individuals detained as alleged enemy combatants, are the petitioners in this case who are facing criminal prosecution before military tribunals - and sentences of life imprisonment and death - nevertheless protected by fundamental rights secured by the Constitution, including the right to challenge the jurisdiction of such a tribunal via the writ of habeas corpus.  (Also available: BIO, Reply)