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Sunoco LP v. City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii

Pending petition

Linked with:

Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term

Issue: Whether federal law precludes state-law claims seeking redress for injuries allegedly caused by the effects of interstate and international greenhouse-gas emissions on the global climate.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Jan 11 2024Application (23A651) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from January 29, 2024 to February 28, 2024, submitted to Justice Kagan.
Jan 16 2024Application (23A651) granted by Justice Kagan extending the time to file until February 28, 2024.
Feb 28 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 1, 2024)
Mar 15 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response from April 1, 2024 to May 1, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Mar 18 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including May 1, 2024.
Mar 26 2024Brief amicus curiae of Atlantic Legal Foundation filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amicus curiae of American Free Enterprise Chamber of Commerce filed.
Apr 01 2024Brief amici curiae of American Petroleum Institute, et al. filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amici curiae of General (Retired) Richard B. Myers and Admiral (Retired) Michael G. Mullen filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amicus curiae of The National Association of Manufacturers filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amicus curiae of Washington Legal Foundation filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amicus curiae of American Tort Reform Association filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amici curiae of Alabama, et al. filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amicus curiae of The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America filed. VIDED.
Apr 01 2024Brief amici curiae of Richard A. Epstein and John Yoo filed. VIDED.
May 01 2024Brief of respondents City and County of Honolulu, et al. in opposition filed. VIDED.
May 21 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/6/2024.
May 21 2024Reply of petitioners Sunoco LP, et al. filed. (Distributed)
Jun 10 2024The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief in this case expressing the views of the United States. Justice Alito took no part in the consideration of this petition.