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O’Handley v. Weber

Petition for certiorari denied on July 2, 2024
Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
22-1199 9th Cir. N/A N/A N/A N/A OT 2023

Issues: (1) Whether the complaint plausibly alleged that state officials acted under color of state law in violation of the First Amendment when a state agency, which exists to police online speech, singled out petitioner’s disfavored political speech for Twitter to punish and Twitter complied; and (2) whether the government speech doctrine empowers state officials to tell Twitter to remove political speech that the state deems false or misleading.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Jun 08 2023Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due July 12, 2023)
Jun 27 2023Waiver of right of respondent Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of State to respond filed.
Jun 28 2023Waiver of right of respondent X Corp. (fka Twitter Inc.) to respond filed.
Jul 12 2023Brief amici curiae of Justin Hart and Liberty Justice Center filed.
Jul 12 2023Brief amicus curiae of The Buckeye Institute filed.
Jul 26 2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 9/26/2023.
Jul 26 2023Response Requested. (Due August 25, 2023)
Aug 16 2023Motion of Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of State to extend the time to file a response from August 25, 2023 to September 25, 2023, submitted to The Clerk.
Aug 16 2023Motion of X Corp. (fka Twitter Inc.) to extend the time to file a response from August 25, 2023 to September 25, 2023, submitted to The Clerk.
Aug 17 2023The motions to extend the time to file responses are granted and the time is extended to and including September 25, 2023, for all respondents.
Aug 25 2023Brief amici curiae of America's Future, et al. filed.
Aug 25 2023Brief amicus curiae of Alliance Defending Freedom filed.
Aug 25 2023Brief amici curiae of Montana, et al. filed.
Sep 25 2023Brief of respondent Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of State in opposition filed.
Sep 25 2023Brief of respondent X Corp. (fka Twitter Inc.) in opposition filed.
Oct 03 2023Reply of petitioner Rogan O'Handley filed.
Oct 11 2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 10/27/2023.
Oct 25 2023Letter dated October 23, 2023, from counsel for petitioner received. (Distributed)
Jun 28 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 7/1/2024.