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Aiello v. United States

Emergency application for stay of mandate
Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
24A712 2nd Cir. TBD TBD TBD TBD OT 2024

Issue: Whether the Supreme Court should stay the mandate of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ordering a second trial while refusing to address a preserved sufficiency challenge on remand in light of Ciminelli v. United States.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Jan 17 2025Application (24A712) for a stay, submitted to Justice Sotomayor.
Jan 22 2025Order issued by Justice Sotomayor: Upon consideration of the application of counsel for the applicants, it is ordered that the mandate of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, case Nos. 18-2990(L), 18-3710(Con), 18-3712(Con), 18-3715(Con), 18-3850(Con), is hereby stayed as applied to applicants Steven Aiello, Joseph Gerardi, Louis Ciminelli, and Alain Kaloyeros, pending further order of the undersigned or of the Court. It is further ordered that a response to the application be filed on or before Wednesday, January 29, 2025, by 5 p.m. (EST).