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Revised October argument calendar

The Supreme Court on Tuesday released a revised calendar of oral arguments scheduled for the opening session that begins Monday, Oct. 6.  The new version can be downloaded here.

As the U.S. Solicitor General’s office had asked, the Court placed the case of Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Couneil (07-1239) on the October calendar.  This is a case that tests the Navy’s use of sonar transmissions during training exercises, when that may interfere with marine mammals.  The case was granted on June 23 and, under normal scheduling, would not have been heard before December or January.

The Court scheduled the case for 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, in place of the previously scheduled Negusie v. Mukasey (07-499).  That case tests the availability of asylum in the U.S. for an individual who served as a prison guard in another country.  (The Negusie case will be heard later in the Term.)

The only other change is that the Court reversed the order of the two other cases scheduled for argument that day.

Short summaries of the issues to be argued in the October session cases can be found in this post, describing the schedule before Tuesday’s revision.