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February arguments, day by day

The Supreme Court on Friday released the argument calendar for its February sitting, beginning Tuesday, Feb. 19 — a session in which it will hear only seven cases. (The calendar can be downloaded here.)

Here is the calendar, with a brief notation on issues at stake:

Mon., Feb. 18:

No arguments; legal holiday

Tues., Feb. 19:

Gomez-Perez v. Potter, 06-1321 — federal employee protection against retaliation for complaining about age bias in the workplace

Morgan-Stanley Capital Group v. Public Utility District 1 (06-1457) and Calpine Energy Services v. Public Utility District 1 (06-1462) — federal regulators’ power to undo wholesale electric power sales contracts (Consolidated, 1 hour for argument)

Wed., Feb. 20:

CBOCS West v. Humphries (06-1431) — does Section 1981 of federal civil right law cover claims of retaliation in the workplace based on race

Mon., Feb. 25:

Cuellar v. U.S. (06-1456) — definition of concealing crime proceeds under federal money-laundering law

Warner-Lambert Co. v. Kent (06-1498) — federal preemption of state law-based claim of fraud on a federal agency regarding drug approval

Tues., Feb. 26:

Allison Engine Co. v. U.S. (07-214)– proof needed to show false claim in federal contracting

Wed., Feb. 27:

Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker (07-219) — duty to pay punitive damages for ship spilling of oil in Alaska; maritime law issues