Round-Up: Other News
on May 29, 2007 at 4:18 pm
In yesterday’s New York Times, Linda Greenhouse’s latest “Supreme Court Memo” column, available here, discussed statutory cases before the Supreme Court, Hackworth v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company (a particular statutory case involving the Family and Medical Leave Act), and what these types of cases say about the Court’s “ordinary life.”
Peter Lattman has this post at the Law Blog on commencement addresses delivered over the weekend by Justice Roberts and Justice Alito. The AP reports here on Justice Alito’s graduation address at Seton Hall University School of Law.
In today’s Washington Post, Robert Barnes has this article on the interest in predicting the outcomes and authors of forthcoming Supreme Court opinions.
The latest Supreme Court Update from Aaron Streett of Baker Botts, analyzing last week’s opinions and orders, is available here.
At the Securities Law Prof Blog, Barbara Black has this post on the “intense lobbying campaign to persuade the SEC to file an amicus brief” in Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta and the Enron case, Regents of the University of California v. Merrill Lynch; Kara Scannell of the Wall Street Journal reports here on whether the SEC will back shareholders in these cases; and Peter Lattman has this post at the Law Blog.
On Sunday, this editorial in the New York Times praised bills addressing enforcement of the Clean Water Act, which was muddled by a June 2006 Supreme Court decision.
Lastly, at the Boston ERISA & Insurance Litigation Blog, Stephen D. Rosenberg has this post discussing the Solicitor General’s brief in LaRue v. DeWolff, Boberg & Associates.