on May 7, 2007 at 5:38 pm
At FindLaw, Joanna Grossman and Linda McClain have the second part in a two-part series (part I is available here) on the Court’s Gonzales v. Carhart decision and how it affects women’s constitutional liberty. In addition, George Washington University Associate Professor of Psychiatry Julia Frank has this post at Balkinization analyzing Justice Kennedy’s opinion, which “disseminates dangerous dis-information.”
The latest edition of SCt Today from Aaron Street of Baker Botts, discussing last week’s five opinions and the Medellin grant, is available here.
In today’s New York Times, Adam Liptak has this article on the interpretation that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to bear arms, which was the basis for the D.C. Circuit’s March decision to strike down a handgun ban in Parker v. District of Columbia.
Harold Furchtgott-Roth has this essay in today’s New York Sun on the patent landscape after the Supreme Court’s KSR decision.
Tony Mauro had this article in the Legal Times last week about the exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery featuring portraits of Justice O’Connor painted by 25 different artists. Also in the Legal Times, Herman Schwartz has this commentary on the Guantánamo detainees’ ongoing legal struggle to secure habeas corpus rights.
Today, the LA Times has this editorial on the Court’s ruling in Scott v. Harris. Lastly, Joel P. Engardio has this column in the USA Today examining Jehovah’s Witnesses’ presence at the Supreme Court.