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News Round-Up

In today’s New York Times, Linda Greenhouse reports here on the Court’s ruling that the EPA has the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. David G. Savage of the LA Times has this article on the decision; the USA Today’s Joan Biskupic reports here; Tony Mauro has this report in the Legal Times; in today’s Washington Post, Robert Barnes and Juliet Eilperin discuss the ruling here; Beth Daley has this article in the Boston Globe; the Chicago Tribune’s Michael Hawthorne reports here; and Warren Richey and Brad Knickerbocker have this article in the Christian Science Monitor. In addition, Felicity Barringer has this news analysis in the New York Times and Jesse Stanchak summarizes various news reports on the Court’s ruling here at Slate.

Yesterday, WBUR’s “Here and Now” had this audio segment with SCOTUSblog’s own Lyle Denniston on the Court’s decision in Massachusetts v. EPA; Elizabeth Shogren has these reports on NPR’s “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered” and Alex Chadwick talks with Vickie Patton, a senior EPA attorney, here on “Day to Day.”

The AP’s Christopher S. Rugaber reports here on the Court’s decision in Duke Energy; the Charlotte Business Journal has this article; J.R. Pegg reports here for the Environment News Service; and at MarketWatch, Stephanie I. Cohen has this report on the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The Energy Roundup blog collects the stories in today’s Wall Street Journal on the impact of the Court’s decisions in the two environmental cases here. In today’s Washington Post, this editorial discusses both of yesterday’s rulings.

NPR’s Nina Totenberg had this report about the Court’s refusal to hear the Guantanamo detainees’ appeal on “All Things Considered.” Linda Greenhouse reports here in the New York Times; David G. Savage of the LA Times has this article; the Washington Post’s Amy Goldstein reports here; and Joan Biskupic has this story in the USA Today.