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At Market Watch, Mark H. Anderson has this article on today’s argument in Credit Suisse v. Billing; Christopher S. Rugaber of the Associated Press reports here.

AP writer Mark Sherman has this report on the Court’s decision in Rockwell clarifying the False Claims Act; Greg Stohr reports here at Bloomberg. Stohr also has this article on the Court’s slower pace in issuing rulings this year. At the BLT, Tony Mauro has this post on the “molasses-like” pace.

Mauro also has this article in the Legal Times about Justice Scalia and Justice Alito’s participation in Morse v. Frederick, given that the petitioner’s counsel, Kenneth Starr, is also their summer employer.

In today’s Washington Post, Robert Barnes has this article on yesterday’s argument in Leegin Creative Leather Products Inc. v. PSKS Inc.; USA Today’s Joan Biskupic reports here; Linda Greenhouse of the New York Times has this report; and in the LA Times, David G. Savage reports here.

Also in the LA Times, Savage has this article on the Court’s decision to grant review of a child pornography law; James Vicini reports here for Reuters.

In the Christian Science Monitor, Warren Richey reports here on the Supreme Court’s decision not to review a grandparent visitation ruling.

Finally, at Balkinization Brain Tamanaha has this post on objectivity and judicial restraint in constitutional law and Jack Balkin continues the discussion on citing Dred Scott here.