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Jim Puzzanghera has this article in today’s LA Times on Microsoft v. AT&T; Jess Bravin of the Wall Street Journal reports here; and in today’s Washington Post, Robert Barnes and Alan Sipress report here.

At Slate, Douglas Kmiec has this piece on the Philip Morris decision; this editorial on the ruling runs in today’s LA Times.

Also in the LA Times, Andrew B. Coan reports here on Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation, which will be argued next Wednesday, and this article discusses a Kentucky municipal bond tax case that the Court may decide to hear.

At the Bankruptcy Litigation Blog, Steve Jakubowski has this post on the Marrama decision; Todd Zywicki of Volokh Conspiracy discusses the Court’s opinion here.

This month’s edition of the Yale Law School Opening Argument has this debate entitled, “Is the Military Commissions Act Wise?” Additionally, this editorial (subscription req’d) in today’s Wall Street Journal discusses the Supreme Court’s role in reviewing this law.

Finally, Kent Scheidegger of Crime & Consequences has this post on the Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Florida and this post on the decision in Wallace v. Kato.