on Jan 2, 2007 at 1:34 pm
In yesterday’s Legal Times, Tony Mauro had this profile of Solicitor General Paul Clement. On Christmas Day, Tony also had this article about how the Court is changing under Chief Justice Roberts.
Over the weekend, Jeffrey Toobin had this op-ed in the New York Times about President Ford, affirmative action, and Justice Stevens. On a similar topic, the L.A. Times ran this op-ed on Christmas Day by Goodwin Liu about the meaning of Brown v. Board of Education.
At Sentencing Law and Policy, Doug Berman rounded-up the 10 biggest sentencing developments in 2006 here and looks ahead to 2007 here.
Over the last several days, Linda Greenhouse of the New York Times has written several articles of interest. Yesterday, she filed this story about the Chief Justice’s year-end report advocating for higher judicial pay, and on New Year’s Eve she had this story looking ahead to Justice Kennedy’s role in 2007. Over the weekend, the Times also published this story about the Supreme Court Historical Society’s Documentary History Project.
Finally, Mark Sherman of the AP filed this recent article about the increasing media presence of some of the Supreme Court justices.