Blog Round-Up – Wednesday, April 26th
on Apr 26, 2006 at 10:23 am
Concurring Opinions has this post on the Supreme Court and the role of foreign and international law in interpreting the U.S. Constitution and this post titled, “Roberts’ And Alito’s Pragmatic Turn.”
Legal Theory Blog has this post titled, “Hasen on the Sixth Circuit on Hasen on Bush v. Gore and the Theory of Horizontal Stare Decisis.” Rick Hasen comments here.
In the National Law Journal, here is an op-ed by Brian Fitzpatrick on “Scalia’s Mistake.”
Here is Sentencing Law & Policy on today’s lethal injection case.
Underneath Their Robes has this post on Justice Ginsburg’s clerks.
Here Orin Kerr reviews, The Sorcerers’ Apprentices: 100 Years of Law Clerks at the United States Supreme Court, by Artemus Ward and David Weiden.
Here has a column by Kenneth Jost titled, “Courts & the Law: Scalia v. Dignity.”
Here, in the Washington Post, is an op-ed by Senator Arlen Specter on the propsect of televising Supreme Court proceedings. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog comments here.