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Blog Round-Up – Tuesday, November 15th

In nomination news:

Documents released this week revealed that Supreme Court nominee Judge Alito wrote in 1985 that he personally believed the Constitution did not protect a woman’s right to an abortion. Think Progress comments here. Professor Bainbridge comments here, with a post titled, “Alito on Abortion: Vindication for the Anti-Miers Crowd.”

Election Law Blog asks if Judge Alito is an opponent of one person/on vote.

Posted on How Appealing Extra, here is a Daily Journal Article on the way in which Alito could shape the way the Justices approach sentencing reform.

In non-nomination news:

Here is an announcement, courtesy of PrawfsBlawg on a forum on Kelo and the future of property rights at the FSU Law School. PrawfsBlawg also has this post on the Court’s denial of cert in Johnson v. Bush, the felony disfranchisement case.

Concurring Opinions has this post on “Article III Groupie, disrobed.”

This week, the Legal Affairs Debate Club asks, “What are the limits of Presidential Power?” John C. Yoo, Professor of Law at Boalt Hall, University of California, Berkeley and Neil J. Kinkopf, Associate Professor of Law at Georgia State University College of Law are debating the issue.