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Blog Round-Up – Saturday, October 29th

On Judge Alito as a potential court nominee:

Here is the Volokh Conspiracy.
Here is Underneath Their Robes.
Here is Sentencing Law & Policy.

On other potential nominees:

Here is Prawfsblawg asking whether Judge McConnell can “hate” Bush v. Gore. The Volokh Conspiracy has this post on McConnell and Bolling v. Sharpe. Judge McConnell wrote, in discussing the 1954 case that “[t]he suggestion that the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment prohibits segregation of public facilities is without foundation.”
The blog also has this post, discussing the 2nd Amendment jurisprudence of Judge Alito, Judge Luttig, and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Maura Corrigan.

On Miers:

Professor Bainbridge discusses the need for the President to win conservatives back post-Miers.
Nomination Watch has this post arguing that the Miers confirmation process should have continued.

In related news:

This week the Legal Affairs Debate Club asks if the Supreme Court confirmation process needs to be fixed. Debating the issue is Richard Davis, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University and author of Electing Justice and Michael Comiskey, Associate Professor of Political Science at Penn State University, Fayette and author of Seeking Justices.
Ann Althouse has this post on the fight in the Senate the next nominee may face.