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Blog Round-up – Monday, September 19th

ACSBlog has made available a video of a panel from their National Convention on “The New Takings Jurisprudence” which featured former Solicitor General Seth Waxman. ACSBlog also has this post on a lecture Professor Laurence H. Tribe delivered to commemorate Constitution Day at Harvard University. The lecture is titled “Remembering the Constitution’s Future: Anticipating the Roberts Legacy?”

Mark Fenster on PrawfsBlawg argues that John Roberts played a significant role in turning back, at least for the present, the takings revolution.

Sentencing Law & Policy has this post asking, “Is the Booker remedy here to stay?” and this post wrapping up coverage of the Roberts’ hearings.

Underneath Their Robes has this post on this article, by Jason Schwartz for The Daily Pennsylvanian, entitled “A Grandfather’s Legacy of Law, Humor and Love: Dana Rehnquist Shares Memories of Chief Justice.”

The Volokh Conspiracy is reporting that the Governor of Connecticut has used the leverage of threatening to withhold state money for the New London development to force a rescission of the eviction notices given to the Kelo homeowners last week. Eugene Volokh also has this post discussing the fact that Justice Black saw the connection between Roe, Griswold and a right to privacy as early as 1965.

Justice Stevens is no southpaw.

Here is Crescat Sententia and Three Years of Hell on the latest Pledge decision.