Blog Round-Up – Monday, July 25th
on Jul 25, 2005 at 7:02 am
Here Volokh Conspiracy comments on this post by Bench Memos on whether or not the Senate can confirm Justice O’Connor’s replacement before her resignation is effective.
The Volokh Conspiracy also has this entry on David Bernstein’s forthcoming article on Bolling v. Sharpe, titled “Bolling, Equal Protection, Due Process, and Lochnerphobia.”
Altercation has a new feature titled “Scoring SCOTUS†a largely informational but occasionally political column written by criminal defense attorney Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft.
Supreme Court Extra has this post on the conservative nature of the Rehnquist Court.
The American Prospect has this article on Kelo and what community groups’ responses to the decision should have been.
Here is PrawfsBlawg on the changing religious face of the Court.
Finally, here is Balkinization on Roberts and Roe.