Article on Judge McConnell

on Jun 4, 2005 at 1:37 pm
Tony Mauro has this very interesting article (via How Appealing) on the increasing prominence of Judge McConnell in discussions of prospective Supreme Court nominees.
Two things about the article struck me. First, the seeming suggestion of “detractors” — a suggestion you get the strong sense Tony wouldn’t agree with — that McConnell moved to Utah to further “his judicial aspirations” by becoming “a constituent of powerful Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah” seems absurd to the point of hilarity. Others know the Judge much better than I do, but those who do know him think of him as among the least manipulative and calculating people you could meet.
Second, the article quotes Jay Sekulow not only as strongly favoring Judge McConnell’s nomination but also heartily endorsing John Roberts. The former is not at all surprising — given Judge McConnell’s views on Roe and church-state relations — but the latter may be quite signficant, given that Judge Roberts’s short track-record on abortion and religion might otherwise have been thought to give religious conservatives pause. In that community, you cannot have a more prominent champion than Jay Sekulow.