Breaking News

Kinsinger v. Thomas

Pending petition

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Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
23-1204 3rd Cir. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD

Issues: (1) Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit erred in holding that law enforcement officers’ decision to transport an arrestee they believed had ingested drugs, but did not believe required emergency medical care, to a nearby prison with medical staff rather than directly to a hospital constituted deliberate indifference; and (2) whether the 3rd Circuit erred — warranting summary reversal — in refusing qualified immunity in the absence of any precedent finding a constitutional violation based on similar facts.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Mar 28 2024Application (23A882) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from April 7, 2024 to June 6, 2024, submitted to Justice Alito.
Apr 05 2024Application (23A882) granted by Justice Alito extending the time to file until May 7, 2024.
May 07 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due June 10, 2024)
Jun 03 2024Brief amicus curiae of National Sheriffs’ Association filed.
Jun 06 2024Brief amicus curiae of National Fraternal Order of Police filed.
Jun 07 2024Brief amicus curiae of National Association of Police Organizations filed.
Jun 10 2024Waiver of right of respondent Sherelle Thomas, Administrator of the Estate of Terelle Thomas, et al. to respond filed.
Jun 10 2024Brief amicus curiae of International Union of Police Associations filed. (Distributed)
Jun 10 2024Brief amicus curiae of The Pennsylvania Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police filed. (Distributed)
Jun 10 2024Brief amicus curiae of National Police Association filed. (Distributed)
Jun 12 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 9/30/2024.
Jul 29 2024Response Requested. (Due August 28, 2024)
Aug 28 2024Brief of respondents Sherelle Thomas, Administrator of the Estate of Terelle Thomas, et al. in opposition filed. VIDED.
Sep 09 2024Reply of Daniel Kinsinger submitted.