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Seven County Infrastructure Coalition v. Eagle County, Colorado

Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
23-975 D.C. Cir. TBD TBD TBD TBD OT 2024

Issue: Whether the National Environmental Policy Act requires an agency to study environmental impacts beyond the proximate effects of the action over which the agency has regulatory authority.

SCOTUSblog Coverage

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Mar 04 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 5, 2024)
Mar 25 2024Motion of the Solicitor General to extend the time to file a response from April 5, 2024 to May 6, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Mar 26 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including May 6, 2024, for all respondents.
Apr 04 2024Brief amici curiae of Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amicus curiae of Utah filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amicus curiae of NACCO Natural Resources Corporation filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amicus curiae of American Forest Resource Council filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amici curiae of Utah American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amici curiae of Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, et al. filed.
Apr 05 2024Brief amici curiae of TN Ranching Company, et al. filed.
Apr 10 2024Motion of respondent Eagle County, CO, et al. to extend the time to file a response from May 6, 2024 to June 5, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Apr 12 2024Response to motion to extend the time to file a response from petitioner filed.
Apr 15 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted in part and the time is further extended to and including May 20, 2024, for all respondents.
May 20 2024Brief of Federal respondents in opposition filed.
May 20 2024Brief of respondents Eagle County, Colorado, et al. in opposition filed.
May 22 2024Waiver of the 14-day waiting period for the distribution of the petition pursuant to Rule 15.5 filed by petitioner.
May 28 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/13/2024.
May 28 2024Reply of petitioners Seven County Infrastructure Coalition, et al. filed. (Distributed)
Jun 17 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/20/2024.
Jun 24 2024Petition GRANTED.
Jul 12 2024Motion of Seven County Infrastructure Coalition, et al. for an extension of time submitted.