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Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers, Inc.

Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
23-900 4th Cir. TBD TBD TBD TBD OT 2024

Issue: Whether an award of the “defendant’s profits” under the Lanham Act can include an order for the defendant to disgorge the distinct profits of legally separate non-party corporate affiliates.

SCOTUSblog Coverage

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Dec 04 2023Application (23A517) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from December 18, 2023 to February 16, 2024, submitted to The Chief Justice.
Dec 11 2023Application (23A517) granted by The Chief Justice extending the time to file until February 16, 2024.
Feb 16 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 22, 2024)
Feb 26 2024Waiver of right of respondent Dewberry Engineers Inc. to respond filed.
Feb 28 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 3/15/2024.
Mar 07 2024Response Requested. (Due April 8, 2024)
Mar 13 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response from April 8, 2024 to May 8, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Mar 14 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including May 8, 2024.
Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Professors Samuel L. Bray and Paul B. Miller filed.
May 08 2024Brief of respondent Dewberry Engineers Inc. in opposition filed.
May 28 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/13/2024.
May 28 2024Reply of petitioner Dewberry Group, Inc. filed. (Distributed)
Jun 17 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/20/2024.
Jun 24 2024Petition GRANTED.
Jul 15 2024Motion for an extension of time to file the briefs on the merits filed.
Jul 18 2024Motion to extend the time to file the briefs on the merits is granted. The time to file the joint appendix and petitioner's brief on the merits is extended to and including August 30, 2024. The time to file respondent's brief on the merits is extended to and including October 22, 2024.
Aug 30 2024Brief of petitioner Dewberry Group, Inc. filed.
Aug 30 2024Joint appendix filed. (Statement of costs filed)
Sep 04 2024Brief amicus curiae of Washington Legal Foundation filed.
Sep 06 2024Brief amicus curiae of The International Trademark Association in support of neither party filed.
Sep 06 2024Brief amicus curiae of United States in support of neither party filed.
Sep 06 2024Brief amicus curiae of American Intellectual Property Law Association in support of neither party filed.