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Bassett v. Arizona

Petition for certiorari denied on July 2, 2024
Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
23-830 Ariz. N/A N/A N/A N/A OT 2023

Issue: Whether the Eighth Amendment permits a juvenile to be sentenced to life without parole under a system that did not afford the sentencing court discretion to choose any other option.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Nov 22 2023Application (23A475) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from December 17, 2023 to January 31, 2024, submitted to Justice Kagan.
Nov 29 2023Application (23A475) granted by Justice Kagan extending the time to file until January 31, 2024.
Jan 31 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 4, 2024)
Feb 29 2024Waiver of right of respondent Arizona to respond filed.
Mar 04 2024Brief amici curiae of National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, et al. filed.
Mar 04 2024Brief amici curiae of 15 Constitutional and Criminal Law Professors filed.
Mar 04 2024Brief amicus curiae of Office of the Maricopa County Public Defender filed.
Mar 06 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 3/22/2024.
Mar 07 2024Response Requested. (Due April 8, 2024)
Mar 15 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response from April 8, 2024 to May 8, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Mar 18 2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including May 8, 2024.
May 08 2024Brief of respondent Arizona in opposition filed.
May 17 2024Waiver of the 14-day waiting period for the distribution of the petition pursuant to Rule 15.5 filed by petitioner.
May 21 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/6/2024.
May 21 2024Reply of petitioner Lonnie Bassett filed. (Distributed)
Jun 04 2024Rescheduled.
Jun 07 2024Letter of petitioner filed.
Jun 10 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/13/2024.
Jun 10 2024Rescheduled.
Jun 17 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/20/2024.
Jun 17 2024Rescheduled.
Jun 28 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 7/1/2024.
Jul 02 2024Petition DENIED. Justice Sotomayor, with whom Justice Kagan and Justice Jackson join, dissenting from the denial of certiorari. (Detached Opinion)