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Crandel v. Hall

Petition for certiorari denied on February 20, 2024
Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
23-317 5th Cir. N/A N/A N/A N/A OT 2023

Issue: Whether the objective-reasonableness test of Kingsley v. Hendrickson applies to pretrial detainees’ claims about their treatment while in custody, including failure to protect from the risk of suicide.

SCOTUSblog Coverage

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Sep 22 2023Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due October 27, 2023)
Sep 28 2023Waiver of right of respondents Vegas Hastings and Daniel Piper to respond filed.
Sep 29 2023Waiver of right of respondents Oscar Borrego, Sr., Oscar E. Carrillo, and Peter E. Melendez to respond filed.
Oct 03 2023Waiver of right of respondents Dalena Hall and Cari Renea McGowen to respond filed.
Oct 24 2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 11/9/2023.
Oct 27 2023Response Requested. (Due November 27, 2023)
Nov 07 2023Motion to extend the time to file a response from November 27, 2023 to January 11, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
Nov 08 2023Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including January 11, 2024, for all respondents.
Jan 09 2024Brief amicus curiae of National Sheriffs' Association filed.
Jan 11 2024Brief of respondents Vegas Hastings and Daniel Piper in opposition filed.
Jan 11 2024Brief of respondents Oscar Borrego, Sr., Oscar E. Carrillo, and Peter E. Melendez in opposition filed.
Jan 11 2024Brief of respondents Dalena Hall and Cari Renea McGowen in opposition filed.
Jan 25 2024Reply of petitioners Otis Crandel, as Dependent Administrator of and on Behalf of Billy Wayne Worl, Jr., et al. filed.
Jan 31 2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/16/2024.
Feb 20 2024Petition DENIED.