Friday round-up

on May 12, 2017 at 7:09 am
- In The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Erin Mulvaney reports that in their private conference yesterday, the justices considered a cert petition that “draws into question how much an outdoor workplace needs to consider the wildlife—in this case, bugs—and protect its employees from harm or injury.”
- In USA Today, Richard Wolf reports on the prospects for the Trump administration’s travel ban in the Supreme Court, noting that although nearly “all the judges who have heard the administration claim the right to restrict immigration from countries it deems as security risks have said the travel ban discriminates against immigrants based on their religion,” and the “4th Circuit and 9th Circuit appeals courts now considering the case are likely to agree, based on their makeup,” “the Supreme Court may be another story.”
- At Governing, Liz Farmer explains that the court’s recent decision in Bank of America Corp. v. City of Miami, in which the justices ruled that cities can bring suits alleging discrimination under the Fair Housing Act, but must prove direct injury from the discrimination, is unlikely to result in a “flood of lawsuits,” because the “ruling leaves open a key legal question about the burden of proof cities must present to show they were financially harmed.”
- In Supreme Court Brief (subscription required), Marcia Coyle reports that a “veteran high court advocate” has said that, based on new Justice Neil Gorsuch’s participation in oral arguments on April 13, “President Donald Trump ‘got what he was looking for’ in his U.S. Supreme Court pick,” and that Gorsuch “’comes as advertised: someone deeply committed to ruling by the text and the Constitution’s underpinnings, like federalism.’”
Remember, we rely exclusively on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]