February argument calendar, day by day (UPDATED)

on Dec 23, 2015 at 1:32 pm
UPDATED 8:42 p.m.with a link to the calendar in the first paragraph.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday released the schedule of oral arguments for the sitting that begins on Monday, February 22. The case testing the constitutionality of abortion clinic restrictions in Texas is scheduled for argument on Wednesday, March 2. It is the only case set for that day.
All hearings in this sitting will be in the mornings, with the first case at 10 a.m. Each will be set for one hour. Following the jump, the daily listing shows the issues in each case.
Monday, February 22:
Kingdomware Technologies v. United States — challenge to the management of contract preferences for veteran-owned small businesses by the Department of Veterans Affairs (Case rescheduled for argument after mootness issue arose)
Utah v. Strieff — need to suppress evidence seized under an outstanding warrant discovered during an investigatory stop later found to be illegal
Tuesday, February 23:
Taylor v. United States — duty of federal prosecutors to prove the interstate-commerce connection of a charge under the Hobbs Act
Halo Electronics v. Pulse Electronics and Stryker Corp. v. Zimmer — need for clarification of federal district judge’s authority to award enhanced money damages for patent infringement (Cases consolidated for one hour of argument)
Wednesday, February 24:
Hughes v. PPL EnergyPlus and CPV MD v. PPL EnergyPlus — federal preemption of state-directed contract for retail utilities to join in federally regulated energy auction market (Cases consolidated for one hour of argument)
MHN Government Services v. Zaborowski — whether the Federal Arbitration Act preempts the California state law providing a different form of severability of terms for arbitration disputes, compared to other contracts
Monday, February 29:
Voisine v. United States — constitutionality of treating a misdemeanor crime requiring proof only of recklessness as a federal crime of domestic violence
Williams v. Pennsylvania — constitutional duty of a state supreme court chief justice to recuse from any role in a decision involving a death sentence that the jurist supported during an election campaign
Tuesday, March 1:
Nichols v. United States — whether a convicted sex offender now living in a foreign country has a legal duty to update a registration in the state of former residence
Husky Electronics v. Ritz — clarification of proof needed to show actual fraud that will bar the release of a debt in bankruptcy
Wednesday, March 2:
Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole — constitutionality of Texas law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges near the clinic and requiring clinics to have facilities equivalent to a surgery center