Thursday round-up

on Nov 12, 2015 at 8:04 am
Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports on the Obama administration’s announcement that it will ask the Supreme Court to review a lower court ruling blocking an executive order on immigration; he observes that if the Justices agree to do so, “they would have to decide how much weight to give the court’s 2007 decision in a major environmental case” holding that “Democratic-leaning states led by Massachusetts could sue Republican former President George W. Bush’s administration in a bid to spur U.S. action on climate change.” Linda Greenhouse also discusses the case in her column for The New York Times, suggesting that, if the Justices “agree to hear the case, it will be fascinating to see how they respond to a decision that reads like a judicial version of the old Woody Allen movie ‘Sleeper,’ in which everything that used to be bad for you is good, and vice versa.”
Coverage of this week’s oral arguments in the class action case Tyson Foods v. Bouaphakeo comes from Danielle Blevins of Talk Radio News Service, with commentary from Michael Bobelian of Forbes, who notes that, “from a broader perspective,” the case “gives the Court another opportunity to reshape an area of law that has long been a target for corporate America.” At Class Defense Blog, Tim Bishop and Archis Parasharami predict that the Court’s decision may “focus on [a Fair Labor Standards Act] issue and, if so, then it seems unlikely to mark a sea change in the rules governing Rule 23 class actions.”
Coverage of Tuesday’s oral argument in Luis v. United States comes from Mark Joseph Stern at Slate and Danielle Blevins of Talk Radio News Service.
- In The Legal Intelligencer (subscription required), Charles Kelbley looks ahead to next month’s oral argument in Evenwel v. Abbott, the “one person, one vote” case.
- The Citizen’s Guide to the Supreme Court discusses Duncan v. Owens, a habeas case that the Justices agreed to review last month.
- A new documentary chronicles the involvement, prior to becoming a judge, of Justice John Paul Stevens in a whistleblower case against several justices of the Illinois Supreme Court. PBS has made the trailer available nationwide.
If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) news article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]