Friday round-up
on Dec 13, 2013 at 7:45 am
Yesterday Aereo, Inc. filed its brief in response to a petition for certiorari filed by the television broadcasting industry, which is challenging the Second Circuit’s ruling that Aereo’s streaming of television programs on the Internet does not infringe on the industry’s copyrights. As Lyle Denniston reported for this blog, Aereo joined the broadcasting companies in urging the Court to grant review; other coverage comes from Joe Flint of the Los Angeles Times, Dan Levine of Reuters, and Greg Stohr of Bloomberg Businessweek.
- Following up on Wednesday’s oral argument in Lozano v. Alvarez, in which (as Robert Barnes reported for The Washington Post) Justice Stephen Breyer formulated a hypothetical that referred to an abducting parent hiding out with her child in a “nicely refurbished grain elevator” in Peoria, Illinois, John Elwood provides a photo to illustrate the hypothetical at The Volokh Conspiracy.
- Richard Wolf of USA Today reports on one of the challenges to Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage and the prospect that it (or other similar cases) could soon make its way to the Court.