This week on the Wiki

on Mar 21, 2010 at 9:29 pm
Although the Court was in recess this week, we have updated our sister site, SCOTUSwiki, to include commentary on a number of cases scheduled for oral argument in the coming weeks. To the case page for Levin v. Commerce Energy, we have added an argument preview by Harvard Law School’s Josh Branson, and we have added commentary by Dina Guzovsky, also of Harvard, to the case page for New Process Steel v. NLRB. Commentary by Jay Rapaport of Harvard Law has been added to the case page for Magwood v. Patterson, and the page for Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha v. Regal-Beloit Corp. now includes a preview by Howe & Russell’s Kevin Russell.
We have also updated a number of case pages to include newly filed merits-stage briefs. The brief for the respondents has been added to the page for City of Ontario v. Quon, reply briefs have been added to the pages for Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Barber v. Thomas, and Dillon v. Thomas, and the case page for Levin now includes a supplemental brief for the respondent.  We have also added new amicus briefs in support of the respondent to the case page for Christian Legal Society v. Martinez. In addition, the Solicitor General recently filed invitation briefs in two cases – Costco Wholesale Corp. v. Omega and Staub v. Proctor Hospital – and those briefs have been added to the pages for those cases, which are included on our list of proceedings in which the Court has called for the views of the Solicitor General.
As we do every week, we have updated a number of case pages this week to include links to media and blogosphere commentary as well.