Last week on the Wiki
on Dec 21, 2009 at 3:01 pm
As Erin wrote last Thursday on the blog, we’ve just opened up five of our SCOTUSwiki case pages for editing. For the first time, three cases – Health Care Service Corp. v. Pollitt, Astrue v. Ratliff, and Jerman v. Carlisle – will be open for content-editing by our readers, while two others – Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha v. Regal-Beloit Corporation and Hamilton, Chapter 13 Trustee v. Lanning – can now be edited by selected legal scholars. If you’re interested in editing one of the pages, check out Erin’s post for instructions.
The Court was relatively quiet last week; aside from the new editing feature, so was SCOTUSwiki. Following last Monday’s cert. grants in three cases, we’ve updated the Wiki to reflect the new additions to the Court’s docket; Carachuri-Rosendo v. Holder, City of Ontario v. Quon, and Robertson v. U.S. ex rel. Watson now have pages of their own.
Looking back at the Court’s ruling handed down in Alvarez v. Smith on December 8, Akin Gump’s Josh Friedman wrote an opinion recap for SCOTUSblog, which was posted last Monday. We’ve updated the Alvarez Wiki page to include Josh’s analysis of the Court’s reasoning in remanding the case.
We also updated a number of Wiki case pages to include merits briefs that were filed last week. Reply briefs were added to the pages for American Needle v. NFL, Conkright v. Frommert, Abbott v. Abbott, and Jerman v. Carlisle. (DISCLOSURE: Howe & Russell attorneys are lead counsel in Abbott and Jerman). We added petitioners’ briefs to the Wiki entries for Skilling v. United States, Berghuis v. Smith, and Health Care Service Corp. v. Pollitt, and we included new amicus briefs in the entries for Skilling, Kiyemba v. Obama, Berghuis v. Thompkins, and Hui v. Castaneda.
As always, we’ve continued to update individual Wiki pages to reflect ongoing media and blogosphere coverage of those cases. Because the Court did not issue an opinion two weeks ago (and thus will not now do so until January), Citizens United v. FEC seems to have received the most attention, and the Wiki pages for two of the three newly granted cases – Quon and Carachuri-Rosendo – were updated to reflect considerable media coverage as well.