Today at the Court: February 27, 2012

on Feb 27, 2012 at 12:01 am
At 10:00 this morning we expect orders from the Court’s private Conference last Friday. Our list of “Petitions to watch” is here. We will begin live blogging shortly before 10:00.
Following orders the Court will hear oral argument in Elgin v. Department of Treasury. At issue in the case is whether the Civil Service Reform Act prohibits an employee from going to a federal district court to challenge his firing as unconstitutional, even if the Merit Systems Protection Board cannot rule on the constitutionality of the statute that prompted the firing. Steve Vladeck previewed the case for the blog. The second case on Monday is Wood v. Milyard, in which the Court will consider the authority of a court of appeals to determine the timeliness of a habeas appeal. Scott Dodson has previewed the case for the blog.