Supreme Court previews for the 2022-23 term

on Sep 14, 2022 at 1:08 pm

We’ve compiled a list of events offering expert analysis on the Supreme Court’s upcoming term. All are free and available to the public.
This post was updated on Sept. 26 at 3:00 p.m.
- American Constitution Society’s National Supreme Court Preview 2022-2023 with speakers Adam Liptak, Deborah Archer, Jonathan Diaz, Kent Greenfield, Wenona Singel, and Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia (Sept. 15, 12:30 p.m. EDT)
- George Mason University’s Civil Justice Preview of the Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Term moderated by Donald Kochan, with panelists John Beisner and Robert Peck (Sept. 16, 12 p.m. EDT)
- Georgetown Law Supreme Court Institute’s Press Preview moderated by Irv Gornstein, with panelists Lisa Blatt, Roman Martinez, Hashim Mooppan, and Donald Verrilli, Jr. (Sept. 21, 9 a.m. EDT)
- The Federalist Society’s Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2022? moderated by Adam Liptak, with panelists David Cole, Carrie Severino, Roman Martinez, Derek Muller, Virginia Seitz, and Devon Westhill (Sept. 21 12 p.m. EDT)
- Syracuse University College of Law’s Supreme Court Preview 2022-23 keynote address by Joan Biskupic, with panelists Celia Cohen, Shubha Ghosh, Benita Miller, Aliza Milner, and Gretchen Ritter (Sept. 23, 1:30 p.m. EDT)
- The Heritage Foundation’s Supreme Court Preview of the 2022-2023 Term hosted by Zack Smith, with panelists Paul Clement and Jeffrey Wall (Sept. 27, 2 p.m. EDT)
- Campaign Legal Center’s SCOTUS Watch: What the Upcoming Supreme Court Term Means for Democracy with Paul Smith, Aseem Mulji, and Helen White (Sept. 28, 2:30 p.m. EDT)
- American University Washington College of Law and the American Bar Association’s On the Docket: Looking Ahead at the New Supreme Court Term moderated by Steve Wermiel, with Erwin Chemerinsky, Maya Manian, Roman Martinez, and Kimberly Strawbridge Robinson (Sept. 29, 12 p.m. EDT)
- UCI Law Supreme Court Term Preview moderated by Henry Weinstein, with Mario Barnes, Courtney Cahill, Stephen Lee, Rachel Moran, Tony Reese, Mark Rosenbaum, Ji Seon Song, and Katie Tinto(Sept. 29, 12 p.m. PDT)
- The Washington Legal Foundation’s Cases and Controversies: Expectations for the U.S. Supreme Court’s October Term 2022 with panelists Michael E. Kenneally, Elbert Lin, and Sean M. Marotta (Sept. 29, 1 p.m. EDT)
- The 2022 Supreme Court IP Review at Chicago-Kent College of Law with Andrew Glass, Pamela Samuelson, Amy Alder, Simon Frankel, Shyam Balganesh, Thomas Maddrey, Lateef Mtima, and Zvi Rosen (Sept. 30, 12 p.m. CDT)
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Correction (Sept. 14 at 3:40 p.m.): An earlier version of this article misstated who the American University WCL panelists will be.