The morning read for Tuesday, Oct. 26

on Oct 26, 2021 at 9:48 am

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at roundup@scotusblog.com.
Here’s the Tuesday morning read:
- Why Abortion Soared to Top of Supreme Court Docket (Greg Stohr, Bloomberg)
- Why SCOTUS Didn’t Treat SB8 Like a Capital Case (Michael Dorf, Dorf on Law)
- Supreme Court justices may have met a vaccine mandate some of them don’t like (Ariane de Vogue, CNN)
- Supreme Court Vow Not to Be ‘Hacks’ Tested by Tribal Case Appeal (Jordan Rubin, Bloomberg Law)
- Remembering the Great Dissenter (Glenn Reynolds, Law & Liberty)