The morning read for Monday, Aug. 23

on Aug 23, 2021 at 9:16 am

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at roundup@scotusblog.com.
Here’s the Monday morning read:
- Kavanaugh Is the Last Hope for Abortion Rights (Noah Feldman, Bloomberg Opinion)
- Noah Feldman Indulges in Brett Kavanaugh Fan Fiction on Dobbs (Josh Blackman, The Volokh Conspiracy)
- Next at Bat: Justice Kavanaugh (Editorial, The Wall Street Journal)
- More Transparency Urged for ‘Shadow Docket’ (Kenneth Jost, Jost on Justice)
- The Supreme Court, the Constitution and ‘Misleading’ Arguments (Jonathan Knowles, New York State Bar Association)