Goldstein & Russell, P.C., is hiring

on Feb 22, 2021 at 7:30 am

Goldstein & Russell, P.C., is seeking to hire an associate attorney to join our small Supreme Court and appellate litigation practice in Bethesda, Maryland. We are looking for somebody who is ready and eager to assume a lot of responsibility, including producing first drafts of briefs for the Supreme Court and the courts of appeals, and organizing and carrying out legal research projects. We are flexible on start dates.
Here’s our pitch:
We focus on doing good, meaningful work. In a typical year, we represent a party in several Supreme Court merits cases, and a number of high-profile cases in the courts of appeals. We supplement that with cert.-stage work and amicus projects. A substantial portion of our docket is pro bono, and we are committed to keeping it that way.
We try to make the workday enjoyable. Our compensation is not based on hours billed, and so we don’t keep track of them unless necessary for a client. We don’t have a dress code or face-time requirements. And all of us have lives outside of the office. Of course, we sometimes work very hard. But we do everything we can to ensure that nobody is getting crushed.
If you work with us, you will become a better lawyer. The plan is that you will work with whichever partners need help the most, usually in a team of two. You will participate in every part of the process, and learn by doing. You will get detailed, constructive feedback on your work product. When you’re ready and when opportunities arise, we will try to get you oral arguments, direct client contact, speaking engagements, publication opportunities, and other chances to build up your own reputation.
We have good compensation, great benefits, and swanky offices that are very convenient to the Metro.
Here’s what we’re looking for:
We are looking for somebody who can do the work, i.e., somebody who is thoughtful, thorough, and engaged, with enough experience to know what questions to ask and where to start looking for the answers. Ideal candidates will have between two and four years of relevant experience, which must include at least one appellate clerkship. Top-shelf legal research and writing skills are a must. Outstanding academic credentials never hurt anybody. You will also (eventually) have to become a member of the Maryland bar, if you aren’t already.
Interested candidates should e-mail a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and contact information for two references to Put “G&R Associate Application” in the subject line. Let us know also your preferred start date, if any.