Tuesday round-up: The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett

on Oct 27, 2020 at 10:26 am

Amy Coney Barrett will officially become the newest justice of the Supreme Court on Tuesday after being confirmed by the Senate 52-48 on Monday night. The swift confirmation of Barrett, who rose from a respected but little-known law professor to Supreme Court justice in just three years, “represented the culmination of a decades-long effort to move the ideological balance on the court solidly to the right.” At a ceremony outside the White House shortly after the Senate vote, Justice Clarence Thomas administered the constitutional oath to Barrett. Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the second of two required oaths at a private ceremony at the court on Tuesday, and Barrett is expected to begin her work as a justice immediately.
Also on Monday night, the justices issued an emergency ruling in a major election case, deciding 5-3 not to reinstate several accommodations in Wisconsin. The most significant part of the ruling was to reject a six-day extension for absentee ballots in the state to be received after Election Day in order to be counted.
Here’s a round-up of other Supreme Court-related news and commentary from around the web:
- Senate Confirms Barrett, Delivering for Trump and Reshaping the Court (Nicholas Fandos, The New York Times)
- Democrats say Republicans will ‘regret’ confirming Amy Coney Barrett. Will they? (Amber Phillips, The Washington Post)
- The Amy Coney Barrett Hail-Mary Touchdown (Emma Green, The Atlantic)
- Amy Coney Barrett is set to transform America’s Supreme Court (Steven Mazie, The Economist)
- Amy Coney Barrett joins the Supreme Court in unprecedented times (Joan Biskupic, CNN)
- Barrett Will Take Oaths at White House and Supreme Court, Following Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Path (Tony Mauro, The National Law Journal)
- Should Justice Barrett Recuse from 2020 Election Litigation? (Jonathan Adler, The Volokh Conspiracy)
- Justice Barrett (Human Rights At Home Blog)
- Barrett Faces Gauntlet of Challenges in First Weeks As Justice (Kevin Daley, The Washington Free Beacon)
- In Nominating Amy Coney Barrett To The Supreme Court, Trump Is Following In The Footsteps Of Lyndon Johnson And Richard Nixon (Michael Bobelian, Forbes)
- Breaking and Analysis: Supreme Court, on 5-3 Party Line Vote, Won’t Restore Wisconsin Ballot Deadline Extension; Justices Fight in Footnotes over Pennsylvania State Court Issue (Rick Hasen, Election Law Blog)
- The Obamacare Case for Dummies (and everyone else) (Eric Segall, Dorf on Law)
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