Monday round-up

on Dec 23, 2019 at 6:51 am

At Bloomberg, Greg Stohr reports that Chief Justice John Roberts “will now face the challenge of trying to bring … judicial independence – and a modicum of decorum – into the political maelstrom of a Senate impeachment trial.” Lawrence Hurley reports for Reuters that “it is in his day job on the Supreme Court that the mild-mannered jurist could have a bigger impact on Trump’s presidency.” Another look at Roberts’ dual roles in the new year comes from Darren Samuelson at Politico (via How Appealing).
- For The Wall Street Journal (subscription required), Jennifer Calfas visits the Louisiana abortion clinic “behind the abortion case going before the U.S. Supreme Court next year” — June Medical Services v. Gee, a challenge to a law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital; she reports that “[i]f the law is upheld, it could make Louisiana the first state with no abortion clinic since the high court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the procedure nationwide.”
- For Capitol Media Services (via, Howard Fischer reports that “[t]he Arizona Libertarian Party is making a last-ditch effort to quash a state statute that it says was designed to keep its candidates off the ballot,” filing a cert petition in Arizona Libertarian Party v. Hobbs, a challenge to a state law that changes signature requirements for candidates.
- At Slate, Richard Hasen writes that one of the most significant opinions of the decade, in Citizens United v. FEC, “contains all the tools the Supreme Court needs to get rid of remaining campaign contribution limits.”
- At Justia’s Verdict blog, Rodger Citron reviews the late Justice John Paul Stevens’ memoir, noting that “Stevens’s grace is on display throughout the entire book.”
- At Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy blog, Eugene Volokh considers questions about the intersection between the First Amendment and negligence claims raised by McKesson v. Doe, a cert petition arising from a police officer’s lawsuit against a Black Lives Matter organizer.
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