Tuesday round-up

on Nov 19, 2019 at 6:36 am

For The New York Times, Adam Liptak reports that “Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. on Monday temporarily blocked an appeals court ruling that required President Trump to turn over financial records to a House committee.” At the Daily Caller, Kevin Daley reports that the court’s order “means House Democrats will not have access to Trump’s financial information until the Supreme Court decides whether to grant a longer stay,” and that “[t]hat decision — which is distinct from a request to hear the president’s case — could come as soon as Friday.” At The Economist, Steven Mazie looks at the case, along with a cert petition filed last week that involves a state-court subpoena for the president’s financial records, observing that “[e]ach case presents the Supreme Court with a separation-of-powers quandary—how to adjudicate a dispute between branches of the federal government in Trump v Mazars; and between the president and state prosecutors in Trump v Vance.”
Yesterday the Supreme Court issued additional orders from last week’s conference; as expected, the justices did not add any new cases to their merits docket for the term. Amy Howe covers the order list for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court.
- At Reuters, Lawrence Hurley reports that “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has faced various health scares over the past year, made a public appearance at the court on Monday after missing a day of oral arguments last week due to illness.”
- At Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy blog (via How Appealing), Josh Blackman “explain[s] how to attend oral arguments the Supreme Court,” noting that “[t]he process is complicated for those not familiar with the written and unwritten rules.”
- In the latest episode of Bloomberg Law’s Cases and Controversies podcast, Kimberly Robinson and Jordan Rubin take a look back at the November argument session.
- At The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (subscription required), Daniel Cotter considers Supreme Court justices’ recusal practices.
- In a new episode of Strict Scrutiny (podcast), Leah Litman and Jaime Santos “recap a lot of the big November cases, including Kansas v. Glover, County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, Hernandez v. Mesa, and IBM v. Jander,” concluding that “Justice Breyer was on fleek and that Justice Ginsburg’s clerks need to take a lesson about herd immunity.”
- In a Federalist Society podcast, “Ashley Baker and Jennifer Huddleston discuss the implications of [Carpenter v. United States], in which the Supreme Court decided that the warrant-less seizure of the plaintiff’s cell phone records violated his Fourth Amendment rights.”
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