SCOTUSblog is hiring

on Mar 22, 2019 at 3:10 pm
The blog is beginning the hiring process for a new blog manager. The blog manager’s job includes, but is not limited to:
- Coordinating case coverage, online symposia and additional blog content;
- Assisting editor with editing process, particularly for blog’s style guidelines;
- Maintaining publication schedule and preparing posts for review and publication;
- Updating and maintaining case pages, statistics page, sidebar content and rest of website;
- Managing contractors, interns and vendors, including outside web developer;
- Coordinating with blog sponsor on promotional and technical needs;
- Attending to daily social media presence, including responding to feedback and questions;
- Applying, as applicable, for grants and awards;
- Assisting deputy blog manager as needed with office management, including research, special projects and other tasks for publisher Tom Goldstein;
- Producing SCOTUStalk podcast;
- Collecting ongoing term statistics and preparing interim and annual Stat Packs;
- Writing posts, with ability to take initiative on topics, and coordinating and contributing to “live blogs”;
- Contributing to broader blog strategy and the execution of new features.
The qualifications for the position include:
- Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
- Excellent writing and editing skills;
- Strong interest in learning about the U.S. Supreme Court and its workings;
- Strong interest in online media and journalism;
- Demonstrated experience with legal issues or journalism is a plus, though not a requirement, as is an interest in attending law school;
- Willingness to be a team player – all of the above responsibilities are done with other people;
- Ability to improvise – we occasionally need all hands on deck both during and outside of normal business hours.
A commitment of at least two years is required. The position will begin in mid- to late summer. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, transcript (either official or unofficial), and unedited writing sample (no more than five pages) to and by April 22. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. This position is located in Bethesda, Maryland.