SCOTUSblog is partnering with Casetext

on Feb 28, 2019 at 12:00 pm

I’m pleased to announce that we’re partnering with Casetext to help our readers access the court opinions, statutes and other primary legal content we cite in SCOTUSblog posts.
If you don’t know Casetext yet, you should. Casetext is the best place to read the law on the internet. They’ve proven that a genuinely modern approach to legal research means faster, better, more accessible legal information for everyone, which is of course a mission near and dear to SCOTUSblog.
For a very long time the legal community was stuck getting information from expensive, slow-moving publishing companies. Finally having an innovator focused on legal research is good for all of us. Casetext is best known for CARA A.I., the technology that uses the information in litigation documents to find on-point cases—a totally new way to search the law.
As important, though, is that Casetext is a company that shares our values. It was one of the first companies to make many court opinions free to the public, aligning their business instead around developing new and groundbreaking technology to help lawyers provide faster, better service for clients.
This is a challenging and also critically important time to be a lawyer. It’s my hope that the work we do at SCOTUSblog educates the legal community and the public about issues pertaining to the Supreme Court, protecting civil liberties and the pursuit of justice.
Casetext is helping the legal community tackle these challenges too, providing the most advanced search technology in an easy-to-use, affordable resource that is accessible not only to the biggest national law firms but also to solo practitioners, public interest lawyers and pro se litigants.
I know how hard it is to start something new in law. I started my firm in the third bedroom of my home, and I began by cold-calling trial lawyers on cases that might be headed to the Supreme Court. Casetext has managed to break through the barriers that historically kept competition away from the legacy research providers.
I’m very happy to be in a position now to help introduce our readers to a company that reflects where the profession is going, whose mission and product I genuinely believe in personally, and that can make a meaningful difference for all litigators.
From now on you can expect to see references to court opinions in the blog to direct you to the full text of the opinion published on Casetext. You can also expect to see CLE programs and other practical resources for litigators published periodically through our partnership.