Monday round-up

On Friday the Supreme Court released its updated list of circuit assignments, indicating which justices are responsible for disposing of emergency applications and other requests from various geographical areas of the country. Amy Howe covers the announcement for this blog, in a post that was first published at Howe on the Court.

At USA Today, Richard Wolf reports that Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation has given “the conservative legal movement confidence that the court will move in its direction on issues ranging from vast government regulations to individual property rights,” areas of the law that are “more obscure” than hot-button issues like abortion and gun rights but still “consequential.” Stephanie Kirchgaesser writes for The Guardian that Kavanaugh “once lobbied in support of a controversial judge who is now tasked with reviewing more than a dozen ethics complaints filed against [Kavanaugh] during his own confirmation process.” At National Review, John Yoo and James Phillips declare that because “for the first time in generations there is a majority of justices on the Supreme Court, who, to varying degrees, practice originalism and textualism,” the court can “systematically begin to restore the Constitution to its original meaning.”


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