Thursday round-up

As the court prepares to release opinions this morning, Amy Howe describes the 14 remaining cases from October Term 2017 for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court. At Constitution Daily, Scott Bomboy highlights “four big cases still on the docket.” Kedar Bhatia offers an interim stat pack containing statistics on all this term’s cases to date for this blog.

For this blog, and originally at Howe on the Court, Amy Howe reports that the challengers in a North Carolina partisan-gerrymandering case currently on the Supreme Court’s cert docket, Rucho v. Common Cause, have “urged the justices not to send the case back to the lower court” after Monday’s decision in Gill v. Whitford, which found that Wisconsin partisan-gerrymandering plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the statewide legislative map. At the Election Law Blog, Nicholas Stephanopolous maintains that the challengers’ supplemental briefs show that “it shouldn’t be very difficult to satisfy Whitford’s new standing requirements—at least for most plaintiffs in most districts.”


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