OT2017 #22: “Cf. Everything”

on Apr 23, 2018 at 10:03 am

We’re live at the University of Akron School of Law to preview the Supreme Court’s final—and perhaps its most important—sitting of October Term 2017. Come for our predictions on the travel-ban case, Trump v. Hawaii. Stay for Ian’s rant on interstate egg regulation, Dan’s second thoughts on #GorsuchStyle, a radical proposal for habeas reform, and a whole lot more—including a recap of the court’s biggest opinion of the term so far, Sessions v. Dimaya. We also fill you in on the court’s slightly-less-exciting opinions in United States v. Microsoft and Wilson v. Sellers, discuss some interesting relists and take some great audience questions—including one by a Volokh Conspirator who makes a surprise appearance (listen ’til the end to find out who!).