Thursday round-up

on Aug 3, 2017 at 7:12 am
- To mark the 25th anniversary of Justice Clarence Thomas’ appointment to the Supreme Court, the Yale Law Journal offers a collection of essays exploring various aspects of Thomas’ jurisprudence.
- Counting to 5 (podcast) features “the second part of a two part look at the Court’s unanimous June 19th decision in Matal v. Tam, … the case about the Asian-American rock band The Slants and their battle with the PTO to trademark their band name.”
- At the Associated Press, Sharon Cohen and Adam Geller recount the results of a 50-state survey assessing “how judges and prosecutors, lawmakers and parole boards are re-examining juvenile lifer cases” in the wake of recent Supreme Court decisions “find[ing] that the harshest punishments given to adults are unconstitutionally cruel and unusual when imposed on teens”; Cohen and Geller conclude that “[t]he odds of release or continued imprisonment vary from state to state, even county to county, in a pattern that can make justice seem arbitrary.”
- In The University of Pennsylvania’s Regulatory Review, law student Leah Wong looks at the court’s decision this term in in Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc., which held that a feature of a useful article is copyrightable if it can be perceived as a separately protectable work.
Remember, we rely exclusively on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]