Afternoon round-up: Today’s orders and opinions

on Jun 26, 2017 at 1:52 pm
This morning the court issued final opinions of the term and orders in a number of cases, including the travel-ban cases. In Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, the court held that the state cannot deny a church a public benefit because of its religious status. Early coverage comes from Amy Howe for this blog; Nina Totenberg of NPR; Pete Williams of NBC News; Lydia Wheeler of The Hill; Ariane de Vogue and Daniella Diaz of CNN; Adam Liptak of The New York Times; Lawrence Hurley of Reuters; Richard Wolf of USA Today; Robert Barnes of The Washington Post; Benjamin Wermund and Caitlin Emma of Politico; Greg Stohr and David McLaughlin of Bloomberg; Debra Cassens Weiss of ABA Journal; and Barnini Chakraborty of Fox News.
Commentary on the ruling comes from Tara Isabella Burton of Vox; Emma Green of The Atlantic; Steven Ertelt of LifeNews; and Neal McCluskey for Cato.
The court ordered reargument in cases involving immigrants’ bond hearings and the vagueness of crime of violence in the immigration laws, and vacated and remanded a cross-border shooting case. Coverage of these cases come from John Burnett and Merrit Kennedy of NPR, as well as Richard Gonzales; Richard Wolf of USA Today; Greg Stohr of Bloomberg; Mollie Reilly of Huffington Post; Debra Cassens Weiss of ABA Journal; and commentary coming from Kevin Johnson for ImmigrationProf Blog.
The court agreed to review the administration’s entry ban and lifted part of the injunction against it. Early coverage comes from Amy Howe for this blog; Joel Rose and Bill Chappell of NPR; Pete Williams of NBC News; Lydia Wheeler of The Hill; Ariane de Vogue of CNN; Adam Liptak of The New York Times; Lawrence Hurley and Andrew Chung of Reuters; Richard Wolf and Alan Gomez of USA Today; Brent Kendall of The Wall Street Journal; Robert Barnes of The Washington Post; David Savage of the LA Times; Chris Geidner of Buzzfeed; Josh Gerstein of Politico; Greg Stohr of Bloomberg; Willa Frej and Roque Planas of Huffington Post; Debra Cassens Weiss of ABA Journal; Mark Joseph Stern of Slate; Matt Ford of The Atlantic; and Bill Mears of Fox News.
Commentary on today’s travel-ban ruling comes from Dara Lind and Tara Golshan of Vox; Ian Millhiser of ThinkProgress; Marty Lederman for Just Security; and Leah Litman of Take Care Blog.
The court also agreed to review the right of private parties to deny services to same-sex couples. Coverage comes from Pete Williams of NBC News; Lydia Wheeler of The Hill; Ariane de Vogue and Daniella Diaz of CNN; Adam Liptak of The New York Times; Lawrence Hurley of Reuters; Richard Wolf of USA Today; Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal; Robert Barnes of The Washington Post; David Savage of the LA Times; Josh Gerstein of Politico; Willa Frej of Huffington Post; Debra Cassens Weiss of ABA Journal; Bill Mears of Fox News; and Mark Joseph Stern of Slate; with commentary coming from German Lopez of Vox and Ian Millhiser of ThinkProgress.
The court also ordered Arkansas to permit names of same-sex partners on birth certificates, with coverage coming from Richard Wolf of USA Today; Greg Stohr of Bloomberg; Debra Cassens Weiss of ABA Journal; and Mark Joseph Stern of Slate.
The court also refused review of the right to carry guns outside of the home. Coverage comes from Adam Liptak of The New York Times; Josh Gerstein of Politico; Richard Wolf of USA Today; Robert Barnes of The Washington Post; Greg Stohr of Bloomberg; and Marcia Coyle for The National Law Journal.