Wednesday round-up

At Fox News, Bill Mears reports that after meeting with Senate leaders yesterday to discuss the Supreme Court vacancy, President Donald Trump said he would announce his choice next week, and that “the list of possible candidates is now down to three names, all of them federal appeals court judges: Judge William Pryor in Alabama, Judge Neil Gorsuch in Colorado, and Judge Thomas Hardiman in Pennsylvania”; he adds that sources “close to the selection process did not rule out other names being added late in what has emerged as a fast-moving, dynamic process.” At Bloomberg, Greg Stohr also reports that Trump is closing in on a selection, identifying Hardiman and Gorsuch as the top choices and noting that Judge Raymond Kethledge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, along with Pryor, is also in the mix; he observes that “Hardiman, 51, or Gorsuch, 49, would probably offer an easier route to confirmation than Pryor,” and that both Gorsuch and Hardiman “would, in all likelihood, largely track the voting pattern of the late Antonin Scalia.”

Additional coverage of the final stretch of the nomination process comes from Robert Barnes at The Washington Post, Michael Shear and Adam Liptak at The New York Times, and Nina Totenberg at NPR. Commentary on the possibility of a Gorsuch nomination comes from Matthew Monforton at The Resurgent, who cautions that one “subject worth extra scrutiny … is Gorsuch’s view of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment,” about which Senate Republicans should be prepared to “grill him” if he is nominated.


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