Relist Watch

John Elwood (barely) reviews Monday’s relisted cases.

For a second week, my day job is inexplicably crowding out my efforts to bring the legal market to a screeching halt by inserting malicious hyperlinks into purportedly humorous SCOTUSblog posts. While not being the “Relist Watch guy” has precipitated something of an identity crisis, it has at least succeeded in increasing my productivity. And it has definitively answered those small-minded people who thought that Relist Watch really couldn’t get any worse.


Was relisted and repeatedly rescheduled; cert. denied over dissent

[page]15-631[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 1 and Apr. 15 Conferences)


Was relisted; cert. granted

[page]15-5991[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 15 Conference)


[page]15-7250[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 15 Conference)


Was relisted; relisted again

[page]15-833[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 1, Apr. 15, and Apr. 22 Conferences)


[page]15-866[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 15 and Apr. 22 Conferences)


New relists

[page]15-789[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 22 Conference)


[page]15-797[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 22 Conference; record requested on Apr. 27)


[page]15-927[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 22 Conference)


[page]15-998[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 22 Conference)


[page]15-8119[/page] (relisted after the Apr. 22 Conference)


Serial relists raising Montgomery v. Louisiana issues that notched yet another relist

Johnson v. Manis, 15-1

Knotts v. Alabama, 15-6284

Adams v. Alabama, 15-6289

Flowers v. Alabama, 15-6306

Slaton v. Alabama, 15-6300

Barnes v. Alabama, 15-6904, 15-6905

Bonds v. Alabama, 15-6290


Rescheduled cases for which we make an exception to our normal rule about not discussing rescheduled cases

[page]14-915[/page] (rescheduled ahead of the Apr. 29 Conference)


[Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel on an amicus brief in support of the respondents in this case.]


Thanks to Bryan U. Gividen for compiling the cases, and in the process, largely drafting this post. Our normal waste of time will return eventually.

Posted in: Cases in the Pipeline