Thursday round-up

on Feb 4, 2016 at 12:05 pm
At The New Yorker, Ian Frazier reports on Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s return to her hometown for an event with the Bronx Defenders – where, among other topics, she discussed her confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court. As Tony Mauro reports for The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Sotomayor made fifty-three public appearances over the past two Terms, more than any other Justice.
- At ACSblog, Ashley Nellis advocates for the “[f]ull implementation of retroactivity regarding Miller v. Alabama” in light of the Court’s recent ruling in Montgomery v. Louisiana.
- In the wake of the Supreme Court’s reversal of the Kansas Supreme Court in Kansas v. Carr, Timothy O’Neill addresses how state courts might avoid Supreme Court review in decisions favoring criminal defendants in an op-ed for the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
- In her column for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse argues that, if the Justices “approach their task as judges and not as politicians, the administration will easily prevail” in United States v. Texas, the challenge to the Obama administration’s deferred-action policy for immigration.