Petitions to watch | Conference of February 26

on Feb 23, 2016 at 10:00 pm
In its Conference of February 26, 2016, the Court will consider petitions involving issues such as whether a stun gun is an “arm” within the meaning of the Second Amendment; whether the California Unclaimed Property Law violates the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment because it deprives owners of their property without affording constitutionally adequate notice; and whether the Full Faith and Credit Clause permits a court to deny recognition to an adoption judgment previously issued by a court from a sister state, based on the forum court’s de novo determination that the issuing court erred in applying its own state’s adoption law.
NB: In keeping with the Court’s ongoing trend toward granting certiorari on those cases which have been relisted from a prior conference, henceforth “Petitions to watch” will highlight only those cases. The “Petition of the day” feature will now feature petitions that Tejinder Singh concludes warrant highlighting.